Sabato 27 Luglio 2024
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The Church of Santa Maria Assunta


The church of Santa Maria Assunta dates from the thirteenth century and is located in an urban setting near the main square of Corciano. The church is dedicated to the Ascension of Maria into heaven, and it is represented by a painting situated above the main altar, painted by Pietro Vannucci, better known as “Perugino”. The altarpiece of the Ascension dates back to 1513 and it is a work of high quality and great value, so it immediately attracts the attention of observers. The church was originally Gothic but in 1870 it was transformed from Gothic into neoclassical by an architect called Lardoni from Perugia. In the church, beyond the high altar, there are two side altars, which are also of considerable importance as they guard two masterpieces: on the right there is the statue of Our Lady of the Rosary, while the one on the left is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The church also contains the great “Standard of the Plague” painted by Benedetto Bonfigli in 1472 for Saint Augustine's church.



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