Sabato 27 Luglio 2024
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The Altar Piece of Corciano


The Altar Piece of Corciano is an oil painting on wood by Pietro Vannucci, called “il Perugino” and it was commissioned by Cristoforo Ciacci and Luca di Matteo Baroni for the church of Santa Maria Assunta of Corciano. The painting was realized between 1512 and 1513 during the Renaissance. It is divided into two parts: the main table and the altar-step. The first represents the Ascension of the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels, seraphs and cherubs; below it there are the apostles in perspective on a hilly background. On the altar-step there is the depiction of  the Annunciation and the Adoration of the Holy Child. The characters are located under an architectural structure within a natural landscape. The altar piece dates back to the late period of Perugino and it was influenced by Leonardo da Vinci's painting. The features that give this altar piece great value are the brightness of the colors, the use of gold, the attention to detail and the grace of the figures.


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