Domenica 1 Settembre 2024
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Pieve del Vescovo


At the end of the XIVth century, in the municipality of Corciano, the castle of Pieve del Vescovo situated on the hill of Migiana di Monte Malbe, enclosed the building Pieve di S. Giovanni and, from this moment, for centuries it was used for religious, military and residential functions. With the permission of the Comune of Perugia , in 1396 the castle was fortified with walls and towers and a year later hosted the wedding of the valorous captain Biordo Michelotti and Giovanna Orsini, a noblewoman.

During the Renaissance the function of defense failed and the building was used as a residence for the bishops of Perugia: for this purpose, it was adorned with mannerist decorations and enriched with comforts and gardens. The imposing castle with four towers is built on a square plan and it was recently restored.


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