Sabato 27 Luglio 2024
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Museum of the Farmhouse


The museum was originally a house where there was a collection of rare hand-made tools and household utensils made by peasants. It became a museum in 1976 as witness to the rural world that was beginning to disappear. Having once been a house all the objects are stored in their original place to show how people lived. The museum consists of four rooms: a kitchen, a bedroom upstairs with a barn and a stable on the ground floor.

In the kitchen there is glass, terracotta and copper tableware. In the bedroom there is an iron bedstead with a mattress filled with leaves. The sheets have delicate embroidery. Oil, vinegar, flour, chick peas, beans, nuts, almonds and chestnuts were stored in the barn. The weaving loom and equipment are located in the barn floor.


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