Domenica 1 Settembre 2024
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Convent of Saint Agostino


The convent of Saint Agostino was built in 1334, thanks to the Papal Bull of Pope Giovanni XXII, on the top of a hill near Corciano. Born as a Gothic church, it suffered many structural interventions which modified the inside eliminating the trussed roof and the support arches, installing frames and altars (the first one on the left dedicated to the Madonna del Carmine) with a decorative purpose, and along the nave four statues dedicated to S. Macario, S. Michele Arcangelo, S. Sebastiano and S. Rocco; inside there is a beautiful cloister.

Until 1879 there was Benedetto Bonfigli's gonfalone in the apse, which is now situated in the church of S. Maria Assunta. In 1811 Napoleon tried to suppress the convent, but it was only closed definitively with the Unification of Italy, when it became the property of the State. Nowadays the convent, that represents one of the most important Augustinian buildings in Umbria, is in private hands.


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