Sabato 27 Luglio 2024
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Boundary Walls and Towers


The boundary wall of Corciano, still well preserved today, go back to the 13th and 14th centuries.

In ancient times, the city walls included a double circle of walls.

The most reliable historical documentation of the walls goes back to the period before Corciano was included in the strategic-defensive system of Perugia. One of the first restorations of the city walls took place around 1453, thanks to the rise to power of Braccio Baglioni, an important political figure who governed Perugia and other nearby territories until 1473.

The building of two wells, a hall for public meetings, and in particular the building of the new tower of Saint Mary's gate, also belongs to this period. Furthermore, among the main towers of Corciano, there is the municipal tower, situated beside the building of the same name.

This tower may have been built in the place where the Etruscan and Roman settlements were established.

Towers, walls and buildings represent a magnificent framework for the wonderful view of the city.


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