Domenica 1 Settembre 2024
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Benedetto Bonfigli's Standard


The Standard in the parish church of Corciano, dedicated to Santa Maria Assunta, was created by Benedetto Bonfigli in 1472. With the authorization of the Comune di Perugia, in 1396 the castle had been fortified with high walls and towers and an year later it host the marriage of the valorous captain Biordo Michelotti e Giovanna Orsini, noblewoman.

In general, Standards are painted on cloth with representations of religious images, and they are used at the beginning of processions to ask for God's forgiveness and salvation from the plague.

Benedetto Bonfigli (1418-1496), an artist from Perugia, was influenced by the late-Gothic period but was also considered the first exponent of the Renaissance in Perugia. The Standard, now preserved on the left wall in the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, was commissioned by the municipal corporation of Corciano during the plague. It was kept after 1879 in the Church of Saint Augustine and it is considered useful especially for the representation of the old Corciano, painted at the Virgin's foot. A group of devout followers like Saint Augustine on the left and Saint Sebastian on the right is drawn under the cloak of the Virgin Mary. Thanks to this painting, the Virgin is considered the patron saint of Corciano.


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