Domenica 1 Settembre 2024
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The museum was born out of a new way of conceiving an exhibition, not longer as a static place, but as a dynamic one, that is able to innovate and connect with the territory. Opened in 2009, it is divided into three sections:

  • Paleontology: preserved fossils of ammonites and mammals;
  • Pre-history and Proto-history: artifacts from different areas belonging to the Upper Paleolithic and the Chalcolithic Ages; findings from the territory of Corciano belonging to the Bronze and Iron Ages;
  • Classic Archeology: remains from the Etruscan necropolis of Strozzacapponi, as well as Roman findings from other local areas and objects from shrines and places of worship.

Ufficio Informazioni Turistiche
Tel: 0755188255
Fax: 0755188237
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