Sabato 27 Luglio 2024
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The Curch of San Cristoforo


The church of San Cristoforo is located beyond Piazza Coragino and it was restored above the old travertine walls from 1537. The building, now completely renovated, houses the Pievania Giuseppe Laudati Museum, named after the Corcianese painter who lived between 1669 and 1737.

The building, completely renovated, hosts the Pievania Giuseppe Laudati Museum , dedicated to the Corciano’s painter lived from 1669 to 1737. The museum collects the most important witnesses of the history and the devotion of the Corciano’s Christian community: frescos of XIV century, paintings, frontals, processional banners, important artwork, ex voto, sacred furnishings, statues, manuscripts;     

Noteworthy are the workshops-works, of Fiorenzo di Lorenzo, of Romano Alberti from San Sepolcro and some jewelry, among which an reliquary of the Roscetto’s workshop. There are numerous paintings realized by the Corciano artist Giuseppe Laudati, master protagonist of the flourishing artistic season of Perugia’s art around XVII and XVIII century.


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